APPLE I-PAD 3 Expected Specs, Release date and Potential Price

The I-Pad 3 is the next big news in the mobile world. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the announcement of the next installment of the Apple tablet. Let's take a look at some of the rumors that have been buzzing in the market regarding the I-Pad 3-

  • First of all, the processor is the biggest concern. It is expected to be remain at dual core. Firstly, everyone thought that it will be powered with a quad-core CPU but now, it is most probably a dual core chip.

  • Also, an increase in the battery of the tablet is also expected.

  • The display of the I-Pad 3 is also rumored to be given an upgrade. It was one of the drawbacks of the I-Pad 2 with a low resolution and Apple aim at rectifying it in I-Pad 3. It is rumored to be provided with retina display which would lead to a significant increase in quality of the display.

  • The camera might also be upgraded in the I-Pad 3. The camera in I-Pad 2 was embarrassing and stood nowhere in the competition with other tabs.

These are some of the rumors regarding the specifications of the I-Pad 3. The release date of the I-Pad 3 is still unannounced but its expected to release sometime in the next 2-3 months.

Now, regarding the price of the I-Pad 3, it will surely be around and above $800 but the confirmation will only be received at the official announcement of the device.