Android 5.0 Jelly bean to be in the market by early spring.....

The rumor market is once again up and running with the latest one that Android's next dish, the Jelly bean can be introduced by Q2 of this year. Ice Cream Sandwich is yet to be fully applied to the Android devices in the market and Jelly Bean is already in the air.

Till now, most of the Android sets are coming with Gingerbread pre-installed in them(although upgradeable to ICS). Only a few have been able to be launched with ICS pre-installed in them and its successor is already arriving. It can be said as very fast pace of Google or the lack lustre attitude of the mobile brands that have failed to implement the ICS version of Android in their devices.

Taking  a look at the modifications in the Jelly bean, anything detailed is not known except for a thing or two that it might have a Desktop mode i.e.the mobile when connected to a tablet or a laptop runs as a Windows or a Mac device (the Lapdock mode). This technology is similar to Motorolas ATRIX smartphones.

The idea behind the desktop mode is that when the mobile is connected to a PC or a tablet, the pre-installed Ubuntu will take over as the OS over Android and it will function as the primary OS in lapdock mode.

It was also rumored that the Jelly bean and the Windows 8 will be launched simultaneously and the latest Android will have support for Windows 8 dual-boot, but that rumor seems to be nothing more than just a rumor for now.

The lapdock mode is considered to be a feature rather than just an app in the Android but the final announcement is yet to be made from Google which is a very high possibility at the Google I/O in June.